Wittner Feinstimmer für alle Modelle

Wittner Feinstimmer für alle Modelle

Boston BTU-150 Stimmgerät chromatisch

Boston BTU-150 Stimmgerät chromatisch

Boston BTU-200 Stimmgerät chromatisch

zu allen Tunern

weiteres Veeh-Harfen Zubehör


Stimmgerät - Tuner - Instrument stimmen

9,99 €

Chromatischer Clip-Tuner (auch G+B+U+V), Vollfarbdisplay, 430-450Hz

The Boston BTU-200 is a neat clip-on tuner with a full colour display and several tuning options: chromatic, guitar, bass, violin and ukulele. The selected mode will be memorized for future usage.

The full colour display will indicate to raise pitch in the yellow area and a red area will
indicate to lower pitch. When the indicated note has reached perfect pitch the
middle arrow will light blue. Because of its display the BTU-200 can be used in low light or complete darkness.

The Boston BTU-200 comes with a battery included (3V CR2032). To save battery life the device will be turned off automatically after 3 minutes of inactivity.

Technical specifications:

- tuning mode: chromatic, guitar, bass, violin, ukulele
- tuning range: B0 - B7
- A4 calibration: 430 - 450Hz
- tolerance: +/- 1 cent
- input method: vibration
- power: 1x 3V CR2032 battery (enclosed)

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Hersteller Information

The Music Alliance
Architronlaan 8A
5321 JJ Hedel
die Niederlande

T.  +31(0)73-599 9090

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zu allen Tunern

weiteres Veeh-Harfen Zubehör


Stimmgerät - Tuner - Instrument stimmen

Hersteller Boston

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