Galli Synthesis Saitensatz | E-Bass

Galli Synthesis Saitensatz | E-Bass

Galli Synthesis 5-String Saitensatz | E-Bass

Galli Synthesis 5-String Saitensatz | E-Bass

Galli Synthesis Saitensatz | E-Bass

36,50 €

The Synthesis series Electric Bass strings are made of high quality selected nickel & steel wire wound on a hexagonal steel core producing a brilliant sound, extreme softness to the touch and a consistent sustain and a warm timbre. They are the best choice for demanding bass player!
Protective packaging, anti-corrosion for always fresh strings….. nothing is impossible for Synthesis strings!

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The Music Alliance
Architronlaan 8A
5321 JJ Hedel
die Niederlande

T.  +31(0)73-599 9090

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alle Saiten für E-Bass

Hersteller Galli Strings

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