Cellobogen Dörfler

Cellobogen Dörfler "W.E. Dörfler" Master Series Größe 4/4

Cellobogen wooDIX Karbonbogen Größe 4/4

Cellobogen wooDIX Karbonbogen Größe 4/4

Cellobogen Dörfler "W.E. Dörfler" Master Series Größe 4/4

1.198,00 €

Cellobogen, 4/4, Fernambuk, silber garnitur, rund

Selected, matured pernambuco stick, selected ebony frog with trimmed slide, Parisian eye, three-part ebony button with eight inlaid eyes or massive button with eye, silver wire winding
An exceptional radiance arises from the play of the musician when he uses a brilliant Dörfler silver bow. A bow is just as important for the musician as the instrument which he must bring to sound. The sound quality of the string instrument can really be achieved only when both components match.

For the Dörfler Master Bows only meticulously selected pernambuco sticks qualify which, through the expertise and year long experience of the master, are acceptable for use. Wonderful engravings, exceptional inlays and splendidly flamed gold fish slides embelish and make each bow to a unique item.

For Dörfler's pernambuco bows only selected woods are used, which have been perfectly stored and dried for appromimately 30 years. Thanks to its, despite great hardness and density, excellent elasto- mechanics this wood type is the first, or more even the only, choice for bow making of a high standard.

Pernambuco wood comes from northern and central east Brazil. The tree from which it is won is called Caesalpinia echinata, also known as Pau Brasil.

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Dörfler GmbH
Spezialwerkstätte für Streichbogen
Werkstättenweg 6
91088 Bubenreuth

Tel.: +49 (0) 9131-24344
Fax: +49 (0) 9131-208034

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