Knobloch 500LB Saitensatz | Konzertgitarre

Knobloch 500LB Saitensatz | Konzertgitarre

Knobloch Erithacus Line Saitensatz | Konzertgitarre

Knobloch Erithacus Line Saitensatz | Konzertgitarre

Knobloch Luna Flamenca Saitensatz | Konzertgitarre

22,00 €

The Luna Line is created for flamenco players who want a sonorous, dark and full sound.
The rich and deep timbre conveys, amongst other things, a feeling
of mystery.
Designed for musicians looking to have Knobloch’s characteristic well-balanced strings for any occasion - from live performance to the recording studio.

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Hersteller Information

Pro Arte Fine Acoustics GmbH

Hinterm Berg 7
97950 Gerchsheim

Telefon: +49 (0) 9344 9292030
Telefax: +49 (0) 9344 9289970
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