Violinbogen Glasfaser schwarz in den Größen 1/8 - 4/4

Violinbogen Glasfaser schwarz in den Größen 1/8 - 4/4

Kontrabassbogen 3/4 deutscher Frosch ELS

Kontrabassbogen 3/4 deutscher Frosch ELS

Violinbogen Dörfler Basic Collection in den Größen 1/8 - 4/4

119,00 €

Violinenbogen Massaranduba Holz, einfaches Auge, achteckig

Beginner’s model with massaranduba wood stick. This type of wood sits comfortably in the hand of the musician and is also suitable for very young beginners.

Collection Brasil wood: Brazil wood basic collection

good brazil wood stick
ebony frog with bottom slide and eye
three-part button
metal blanc winding

Dörfler's Brazilwood bows are a matter of fact. Here an optimally finely adapted trio is put to use: Massaranduba for the stick, genuine ebony from tropical Africa for the frog and finest mother of pearl or iris for the eyes and slides.

As Massaranduba is very heavy and hard, these bows lie particulary well in the hand of the musician. The dark black, very dense heart wood of the frog lends the play with these bows a pronounced harmonic tone.

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Dörfler GmbH
Spezialwerkstätte für Streichbogen
Werkstättenweg 6
91088 Bubenreuth

Tel.: +49 (0) 9131-24344
Fax: +49 (0) 9131-208034

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